(The lights of the Continental Airlines Arena begin to flash off and on. A thick smog rises up from the entrance ramp and six magnificent green tinted pyros blaze up into the air, illuminating the entire arena in the process. The fans grow restless and begin to yell, chant, cheer, and boo. Nobody's Real by Powerman 5000 begins to blast over the PA system. Neil Stylez walks out onto the ramp with a mic in hand. The arena quickly explodes in boos and Stylez chuckles to himself. He is wearing black Bullhead Jeans, a light blue Red Sand shirt, and a gold chain around his neck. He is not yet dressed in his wrestling attire but is scheduled to fight his fellow stable mate, Chris Jericho for the Intercontinental title tonight. Neil Stylez begins to address the enormous crowd on hand.)
Neil Stylez:I'm not here to get all buddy buddy with the fans in attendance here tonight. You can all suck my d*ck and worship me for all I care! The fact is that I must defend my Intercontinental Title here tonight against that pussy ass loser known as Chris Jericho. The reason for me to face such an untalented inbred like Chris Jericho is above me but even if he is a no talent, no balls, shemale wannabe, I will still do what I do best! And that is as you all probably already know is kicking some ass!
Jericho, I will not let my title fall into your hands. It would be a major embarassment to myself and the NWO since everyone knows how much you really do suck! I mean no one would ever consider you to be their partner, their friend, or even their employee. Why? Well, because you are a big fat joke of an athlete. You have the mouth but you don't have the moves or tlanet to back it up. Day in and day out you run your mouth like a little baby. You demand this, you claim that! When the hell will you learn to shut your fat trap and listen for once? When will you ever learn to keep your nose out of other people's business? If you haven't learned yet then let this ass kicking you are about to recieve be your first lesson in life! I hope that every time your mind even dares to think of taunting or mocking someone else, you remember the time when Neil Stylez gave you a warning beating at the Pay-Per-View called Deception Under Intention. Hopefully I will set y! our ass straight and out of the way of other NWO wrestlers. Chris, the game is over! If you lose then you'll come out with more than a blemish on your record. There will be long term injuries like reoccuring back pains, memory shortages, and reoccuring effects of a concussion or two. There will also be short term injuries like a broken bone, a cut, a bruise, or a shattered bone. But the memory of it all will be the most painful part of it. Having to live through our devastating match over and over again. Chris, this is as real as it gets. Now I hope that you are ready because I have done everything in my power to get in the finest shape I have ever been in. I have also studied many of your matches so I know you like the back of my hand. I guess there is only one more thing to say, Lets get this party started!"
(Stylez drops the mic and disappears behind the curtains as he works his way to the back stage area to get his wrestling attire on. The fans fall silent. The words that Stylez has said are fresh in their minds.)
Lilian Garcia: This next match is for the Net World Order Canadian Championship! Entering the ring first, he is from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, he is Jack The Hammer Jacobs!
[Through the curtains emerges Jack Jacobs. Carrying a Canadian flag, he strides confidently to the ring, smirking as if he knows that this will be his night. He enters the ring to the sounds of fans echoing the sounds of booing galore. The smirk on Jacobs becomes a grimace, and he finds a man in a luchadore mask verbally harassing him from the front row. Jacobs exits the ring, and shares some choice words with this man, until The Hammer swings with a mighty blow. The fan ducks the punch, and just at that point, The Corporate Avengers music hits the loudspeakers.]
Lilian Garcia: And his opponent, he is one of the newest additions to the Net World Order. He is the Corporate Avenger!
[Jack Jacobs re-enters the ring, watching the entryway for Corporate Avengers appearance. Suddenly, the fan in the luchadore mask comes running from the stands, and hits Jack Jacobs from behind. Dozens of men garbed in black surround the ring, trying to control the crazed fan.]
Jim Ross: Good God, King! Look at that fan go on Jack Jacobs. Security is ready to take that fan away. We certainly endorse our fans to do their part in cheering or bringing signs, but the fighting should really be left to the professionals.
[Security grabs the fan by the arms, containing his wild moving. While the man struggles in vain, a security guard rips off his luchadore mask. With this done, the fan is revealed to be none other than The Corporate Avenger. Jack Jacobs quickly seizes this opportunity to attack, and delivers a devastating punch directly in the face of the Avenger. Security releases The Corporate Avenger as he drops flat onto the mat. Jack Jacobs goes down to The Corporate Avenger, and begins raking him in the eyes. The Avenger begins pounding his feet on the ground, trying to divert his attention from the pain. Jack Jacobs lets go of the Corporate Avenger, and raises him to his feet. Corporate Avenger is bent over slightly, tending to his eyes. Jack Jacobs finds another opportunity, and goes after it as he sets The Corporate Avenger up for a powerbomb. Jacobs lifts The Corporate Avenger off the ground, but The Corporate Avenger fights back by punching Jacobs in the h! ead repeatedly. Jack Jacobs retaliates by falling backwards, making The Corporate Avenger fall straight into the ropes. Jacobs gets up just in time to see The Avenger bouncing neck-first off the ropes, and he simply laughs about it.]
Jerry Lawler: JR, it looks like Jack Jacobs, the true Canadian icon, is about to make short work of The Corporate Avenger tonight. Its been nothing but Jacobs for this entire match!
[Jack Jacobs finds The Corporate Avenger lying on the mat helplessly, and begins to lock on the Stealth Lock. Setting up the opponents legs in a reverse figure four leglock fashion, Jack Jacobs finally gets the Stealth Lock locked in. The very moment Jacobs applies this submission maneuver, The Corporate Avenger begins screaming in pain. The Corporate Avenger reaches for the ropes, but they are too far away for him to grab a hold on. The Corporate avenger begins clawing at the mat, hopelessly trying to ignore the pain shooting up from his legs. He then leans forward, and grabs Jack Jacobs by his brown hair. Avenger lands a few punches between the eyes of Jacobs, but the Canadian wrestler refuses to break the hold. Soon, The Corporate Avenger begins swinging his body back and forth, sending him closer to the ropes beside him. Jacobs tries to stop The Avenger, but it doesnt work. The Corporate Avenger grabs onto the bottom rope, and the referee demand! s that Jack Jacobs release the hold. Jacobs refuses to comply, and decides to tighten the hold instead. With every bit of strength left, The Corporate Avenger pulls up on the middle rope, and finally the top rope. The Corporate Avenger lifts himself to an upright position, but Jack Jacobs still has the move locked on tight.]
Jim Ross: What in the world is Jack Jacobs thinking? If he goes on like this, hes going to get himself disqualified! It looks like The Corporate Avenger has something up his sleeve, though.
[Indeed, The Corporate Avenger does. He leans back on the top rope, flipping himself over to the outside. Jack Jacobs flies along on the legs of The Corporate Avenger, and finds himself landing face-first into the Spanish announcers table! ]
Jerry Lawler: Oh my God, JR! Did you see that? Jack Jacobs wont be able to move after that one!
[The Corporate Avenger picks Jacobs up by the back of the head, revealing that Jack Jacobs is bleeding from the mouth. The Corporate Avenger then slams Jack Jacobs head back down into the debris that was once an announcers table. Suddenly, The Corporate Avenger gets an idea, proven by the look on his face. He yanks a piece of padding off of the ground, and throws it into the ring. He continues to do so for another piece of padding, and another.]
Jerry Lawler: It looks like the ring is the safest place in the building all of a sudden, JR!
Jim Ross: King, this is no joke! Those paddings are supposed to be there for a reason. Somebody stop that madman!
[While The Corporate Avenger isnt looking, Jack Jacobs gets to his feet. Jacobs runs towards the Avenger, and gives him a running bulldog onto the concrete floor. The Corporate Avenger grabs his face, apparently having shattered his nose from the move.]
Jerry Lawler: It looks like The Corporate Avenger really regrets taking off the padding now, JR.
[The Corporate Avenger doesnt stay on the ground for long, though, as he gets right up and dares Jack Jacobs to punch him. Jack complies, and gets ready for a big swing right between The Corporate Avengers eyes. Avenger ducks the punch, though, and hooks Jack Jacobs right arm. The Corporate Avenger flips Jack Jacobs back, executing a picture-perfect half nelson suplex. Jack Jacobs tumbles on the concrete, as The Corporate Avenger enters the ring. He runs to the opposite ropes and, while Jack Jacobs struggles to get to his feet, dives underneath the ropes with a baseball slide. Jacobs receives the kick straight in the face, and is sent back straight into the barricade behind him.]
Jim Ross: It looks like The Corporate Avenger is beginning to recuperate in this match. It couldnt come at a better time for this young superstar.
Jerry Lawler: Young superstar nothing, JR. Theres only one way to end this match, and thats with Jack Jacobs as the Canadian Champion!
[The Corporate Avenger goes back to the outside, and picks Jack Jacobs to his feet. Jack Jacobs pushes away The Corporate Avengers hands, and kicks The Corporate Avenger in the nuts, right in front of the referee. The referee warns Jack Jacobs, but Jacobs only pushes him away. The referee warns Jack Jacobs, showing that he is an official, and Jacobs must respect that, but The Hammer ignores these pleas. He rolls The Corporate Avenger into the ring, and climbs in himself. Jack Jacobs pulls out a roll of tape from his pants, and begins punching away at the broken nose of The Corporate Avenger. The referee pulls Jacobs away, but is quickly met with a quick punch to the face. Jacobs focuses his attention on The Corporate Avenger, and sets him up for the Target Lock. After doing the proper movements for the cloverleaf move, The Target Lock is on tight. The Corporate Avenger begins yelling in pain, still weary from the Stealth Lock from before. The Corpor! ate Avenger begins tapping out, but the official is still out. Slowly, the referee gets to his feet, as The Corporate Avenger taps out in anguish. The referee finally gets up, and sees that the Target Lock is hooked on. He goes over to Jack Jacobs, and pushes him backwards. Jacobs loses his balance, and The Corporate Avenger capitalizes by setting Jack Jacobs in a pinning position. The referee does a fast count: 123, and he calls for the bell.]
Lilian Garcia: Youre winner, and NEW Net World Order Canadian Champion, The Corporate Avenger!
Jerry Lawler: What kind of officiating was that, JR? Ive never been so disgusted. Jack Jacobs had that match won by all rights!
Jim Ross: Maybe, but Jack Jacobs sure as Hell aint the Canadian Champion!
[The lights dim and an explosion of golden pyrotechnics explode forth
from the mouth of the wrestlers entrance showering the ramp with a golden plume
of fire. A techno remix of Beethovens 9th symphony Ode to Joy brings the PA
system to life as the huge figure of Gideon Trait parts the wall of flames and
makes his way methodically down to the ring with his beautiful blonde valet
Claire Willson in tow. Trait wears his trademark black wrestling tights and a
rather expensive looking leather jacket. Willson wears a pair of tight leather
shorts and a figure hugging crop top. The eyes of every man in the arena are
fixed firmly on the blonde beauty as it is left to the women in the crowd to
abuse the first couple of pro-wrestling. Trait climbs into the ring and holds
the ropes open so that the lovely Miss Willson can enter the ring. He signals
for a mic to be thrown into him as he prepares to confront the baying crowd.]
GIDEON TRAIT [looking more than a little pissed off]: Why
dont all of you idiots just shut the Hell up! It is obvious to all and sundry
that you people dont know a talented wrestler from a bar of soap.
[The crowd starts the dreaded asshole chant.] GIDEON TRAIT
[starting to smile a little. He shakes his head.]: Hey, all of you morons
can call me whatever the Hell you all want. I know that I am an asshole [The
crowd cheers at the sound of the most loathed wrestler in the N.W.O literally
just called himself an asshole on national TV.] But I also know that I am
better than every single one of you brainless morons. [The crowd
erupts into a harsh and loud disagreement to this last comment.] GIDEON TRAIT [still smirking]: Yes, keep going. I dont mind. I
stand here tonight not to be insulted by the Neanderthals that God forgot about
but to tell you all what you are about to see here tonight. [The
crowd voice their disapproval at the last comment.] GIDEON
TRAIT [strokes the bleach blonde goatee on his chin and then prepares to talk]:
Yes, I slave away here at the bottom of the N.W.O roster fighting loser
after friging loser while you uneducated idiots worship assholes like the man
whom I face tonight in this ring. [The crowd fills the arena with a mixed
reaction.] Yes people, tonight right here in this very ring I fight one of
the most pathetic life forms ever to grace the face of Gods green Earth. A man
that beats on women and small children because he dare not touch a grown man. A
gutless little asshole that finds the need to hide in a stable with some other
little asshole whom cant even speak the English language to hide behind.
[The crowd start to cheer for the usually scorned Gideon Trait for once.]
GIDEON TRAIT [raises his arms in the air as the crowd starts
to cheer for him]: Yes, tonight Ruthless may bring down his new stable mate
Jayzom Da Original Dumbass Williamz down to ringside to guarantee that he walks
out the HardCore Champ but that will only lead to one thing and that is Both of
their sorry asses being beaten to oblivion. [The crowd are getting in
behind Trait now.] GIDEON TRAIT [with a sheepish grin on his
face]: It seems that I have lost my mantle as the most loathed wrestler in
the N.W.O but, I dont blame you all for loathing that little black Jackass more
than me. He is after all a woman beater, a pedophile and a potential murderer.
Did you all see that promo that he cut with Jayzom Da Original Dumb-Dumb
Williamz? [The crowd go irate.] Yes, the one where they held a 12 gauge
shotgun to Michael Coles head. What a bunch of friging idiots. Tonight, that is
assuming they made it back from Cuba or where ever they were, they are going to
feel the wrath of this he Kiwi Playboy. How dare they air crap like that on
National TV. [The crowd are right in behind Trait now. It seems that
he has taken a change towards being a genuine face.] GIDEON
TRAIT [starting to look a little pissed again]: How dare they put that
slander on primetime TV when the young people of this great nation are
watching. Tonight, I not only fight to defend my HardCore title from that
little black shit but I fight for you all and all your children. Tonight, I am
going to be your censor and I will shut those two piles of primordial ooze up.
Yes, I like you are sick and tired of assholes like this polluting our airwaves
with crap like we have seen over the last few days and I will put an end to it
Here Tonight. [The crowd go crazy.] GIDEON TRAIT
[looks at Claire Willson and they have a short conversation]: Youre right
as always my dear. What good is one without the other? Ruthless, Jayzom
Williamz, Tonight here in this very ring I am offering you a handicap match. Me
against you two morons. Triple threat. Just think Jayzom, you could take home
not only the TV title, which I seriously doubt, and the HardCore title, Which I
can guarantee you wont. What ever happens I will show you two idiots what
wrestling is all about and show all of you here tonight and all of you watching
at home just how good I am. Now, Jayzom I am fully aware that you have a shot
at the TV title tonight. God knows what Hall is doing giving a moron like you
any kind of title shot, but hey, who am I. I am aware however that you do have
that shot and that is why, if you decide to come out here tonight I promise not
to hurt you To much. [The crowd are going crazy thinking of what
they may see in the ring tonight. One of the bloodiest HardCore title matches
ever in pro-wrestling history.] GIDEON TRAIT [with an evil
smirk on his face]: If you decide not to face me tonight then, my friend, I
advise you not to come down to ringside with that little nigga friend of yours
because if you do I will get you. [The crowd go wild. They are most
defiantly on Traits side now with this surprise change of alignment.] GIDEON TRAIT [his face starting to stiffen up into a frown. Deep
furrows etch themselves in his face.]: Now, onto more pressing issues,
namely, Shawn Hall and his new best friend Triple H. Yes, The Corporation. If
you guys should see fit to get involved in my match then I will see fit to beat
the stuffing out of you two morons as well. I have not been one to have any
respect for authority figures and when you decided to get yourself involved in
the politics of this federation I have loathed you more than these fans used to
loathe me. [The crowd cheers at their new found hero.] GIDEON TRAIT [his brow still in a frown but with a huge grin on his
face]: Hall. You have surrounded yourself in esteemed company. Triple H. A
man whom I have beaten once before. Who else have you got in mind for your
little Corporation. Who else are you going to pay the big bucks to act as your
bodyguards and my cannon fodder. You think that you can hide behind these
assholes after what you did to me three days ago, throwing me out on the street
in front of all those fans How humiliating. [The crowd agree.] GIDEON TRAIT [the evil smirk starting to come back to his face]:
Just remember Hall You cant hide forever. How long do you think you can
hide from me the summit of intelligence, the bastion of human perfection, the
epitome of wrestling execution before I get my hands on your sorry ass. Not
long. I am coming for you Hall, and I will get you I PROMISE!!! [With
that Trait drops the mic in the center of the ring and leaves, helping Willson
out of course, to an eruption of cheers from the crowd. They disappear up the
ramp and down into the dressing rooms.]
The scene opens up in the backstage area where The Baltimore Assassin has just arrived at the show in a black stretch limo. The door opens and The Baltimore Assassin steps out wearing a pair of black baggy pants and a gray hardy shirt, his hair is damp and his eyes are peircing brown. The Baltimore Assassin grabs his gym bag and Lady Kelly steps out wearing a short, tight dress that has italian designs in black on the sides, the dress shows her breast and makes them spill out just a bit. The Baltimore Assassin puts his arm around Kelly and they begin walking to their locker room, The Baltimore Assassin is stopped by Michael Cole and he begins talking before Cole can even get a word in~]
The Baltimore Assassin:"Shane Douglas sounds pretty damn scared considering the fact that he isn't impressed about anything right... Douglas are you afraid to step into the ring with me? What is wrong Franchise? You see what is going to happen? You can bring out all the dictionarys you want and you can look up all the words you want because none of this will matter when it comes down to the two of us locking horns tonight! Thats all you worry about in the NWO is being the center of attention, but Douglas the only attention you get anymore is how much everyone gets sick when they hear your voice! Like Gilbert Godfrey and Seinfeld you annoy the people, they don't boo because what you say, they boo because the why you say it! Your damn right I idolized you... like many of these fools still idolized you, but Douglas I now relize your just a false icon! Shane Douglas you can boost yourself all you want but it is all for nothing when you step up to The ! Baltimore Assassin!"
"I did take out Donaven Winters, I took out Hollywood Hogan, I took out Rampage, The Rock, Ric Flair, I have tooken out all these people that you couldn't and now you are the one doing the idolizing! But Shane you can't stand the fact that I beat all these people and that I am where you use to be... Well Shane open your eyes and take a look! You always wanted to tak out Hollywood Hogan... Who did it? I did it... You always wanted to take out the nWo, who did it? I did... Nothing you can do, will change that... So if I step in this ring tonight, no matter the outcome you will never be the Baltimore Assassin, and you will never be the man that ends all! The man they call the NWO Bad Boy!"
"You think your something special because you hate everything, but you know hate affects the hater more than the person being hated! You never carried the NWO, you sucked off of it, taking pay check after pay check while superstars like myself and Rampage gave everything to this system and got nothing for it! I know inside you are filled with hate because I took the limelight away from you... because I am the greatest wrestler in the world... Well Douglas you can't always be in the spotlight and that rule goes for you too! Your a one demonsional wrestler with a no-D mind! Well Franchise I know all your tricks and I know all your rules and I know each and everyway to break em! You kick between the legs, the turnbuckle low blow! I know it all and I know all! You can kiss your gold goodbye like Neil Stylez kissed your ass at Politically Incorrect, because The Baltimore Assassin has his crosshairs set on you! So Franchise are you ready to get taken to school? You better be beca! use The Baltimore Assassin is a strict teacher and class is about to begin!"
The Baltimore Assassin:"Shane Douglas all these things you say means nothing anymore, because one of us is walking out of this arena tonight with the NWO World Heavyweight title around the waist... It is you or me Douglas, who knows who it will be, me or you, you or me... Shane Douglas what ever the outcome I am still the master of your universe!"
[~The Baltimore Assassin
and Lady Kelly walk off towards their locker room and Michael Cole stands there
speechless not knowing what to say~]
Tony Schiavone - Mark, this
feud between Shane Douglas and TBA is really getting out of hand. I'm not
liking where this is going. Some one is going to get hurt.
Lilian Garcia: Ladies and Gentlemen, this match is a three way, Tag Team Title Match. Introducing first, they are the team of Kevin Nash and K-Dog: The Wolfpac!
[The Wolfpacs theme hits the loudspeakers, and the duo appear from behind the curtains. They raise their hands high in the air, showing the Wolfpac symbol to the crowd. The audience gives a mixed reaction for these new additions to the Net World Order. Just as The two men are about to enter the ring, Mannkinds music begins to play, and Siobahn Brooks comes to the stage, standing in between Montrose and Alex Mann.]
Lilian Garcia: Now introducing the second team in this contest, accompanied to the ring by Siobahn Brooks and Joseph Mann, they are Alex Mann and Montrose Mannkind!
[No sooner do they enter the stage than they are ambushed by Bob Holly and Triple X. Lilian Garcia is confused in the middle of the ring, wondering if she should introduce Bob Holly and Triple X. Finally, she exits the ring, deciding against it. The bell rings, starting the match on the ramp way where Mannkind is taking a beating from Holly and Triple X. Siobahn Brooks yells for her men to get up, but to no effect. Meanwhile, Kevin Nash and K-Dog dash down the ramp to join in on the action. Nash runs up to Triple X, and flattens him with a big boot. K- Dog tries the other approach, and joins Bob Holly in obliterating Alex Mann.]
Jim Ross: Looks like Triple X and Bob Holly were too eager to start this match. Wolfpac just wanted a part of the action, and it looks like things are really starting to heat up!
[Wolfpac the team of Holly and Triple X seem to come over some sort of agreement, picking Alex Mann up to his feet. Kevin Nash puts Alex Mann between his legs for the jackknife powerbomb, and lifts him up with the help of Bob Holly and K-Dog. Kevin Nash positions himself over the edge of the stage, and drops Alex Mann down onto the lighting booth. Wolfpac begins laughing at the wreckage, but it doesnt last long, since Bob Holly dropkicks Nash from behind, sending him crashing down along with Alex. Siobahn and Joseph Mann go down to tend to the fallen Alex Mann, as the referee directs the action into the wrestling ring.]
Jim Ross: There is something definitely wrong with Bob Holly! I can understand that they want the titles to stay around their waists, but this is too much!
[The teams are brought to the ring, with Hollys team at a clear advantage. With both Kevin Nash and Alex Mann knocked out, the feuding K-Dog and Mantrose have to work together to win it. Bob Holly begins against Mantrose, taking down the charging newcomer with a Russian leg sweep. Bob Holly quickly drops two elbow drops onto the back of Mantroses head, and tags in his partner. Triple X picks Mantrose up, and whips him to the corner. He charges towards Mantrose, but is cut off by K-Dog leaping from the top turnbuckle with a lariat. The referee sends K-Dog back outside, and Mantrose starts going to work on Triple X. Mantrose ties Triple Xs arms on the ropes, and begins taunting him. Triple X is infuriated, but helpless at the same time. Mantrose drives a few punches and kicks to Triple X until Bob Holly comes up from behind him, and delivers a low blow. The referee warns Holly, and sends him to the corner as Triple X breaks free from the ropes.]
Jim Ross: What a despicable act by Bob Holly! This is an entirely lopsided match.
[Triple X whips Mantrose to the corner, and Bob Holly holds him in place. Triple X charges towards Mantrose, and delivers a diving cross body. While in the air, Triple X tags in Bob Holly. Holly speeds right into the ring, and lifts Mantrose in a powerslam. He drops Mantrose by throwing him into the corner where K-Dog is at. Mantrose bounces, and pops up to tag in K-Dog.]
Jerry Lawler:Looks like that stupid clown isnt laughing now! Ha, ha!!
[While K-Dog and Bob Holly lock up, Mantrose leaves the ring to tend to his partner. Bob Holly lifts K-Dog off his feet, and tosses him on the ropes for a snake eyes. K-Dog bounces back, grasping his throat. Bob Holly tags in Triple X while the referee is checking on K-Dog. Triple X dashes in, and starts stomping on K-Dog, but the referee pushes him back, insisting that he isnt the legal man in this match.]
Jerry Lawler: What is that referee doing? Triple X was tagged in by Holly!
Jim Ross: It looks like Bob Holly is not happy about having to go in for some more action. Hes leaving the ring and I dont like that look on his face.
[Bob Holly grabs a chair from the ring attendant, and the referee follows him to try to reason with him. Holly turns around in reaction, and smashes him with the steel chair.]
Jerry Lawler: Haha! Maybe that referee will think twice before pissing Bob holly off again!
[Just then, a cheer comes from the crowd as Mantrose is seen running down the stage alongside Alex Mann. The two partners start pummeling K-Dog and Triple X, until Triple X manages to slide out of the ring. Triple X finds the Canadian flag, left by Jack Jacobs from the Canadian Title match. He brings it inside the ring, and breaks the handle over Mantroses head. He then goes behind Alex Mann, and starts choking him with the cloth of the flag. Alex Mann is turning a crimson red, as Mantrose slowly gets to his feet. Mantrose quickly sweeps Triple Xs legs up from under him, and the two start kicking down the enemy. Suddenly, Bob Holly comes in wielding a steel chair. He cracks the chair over K-Dogs head, putting a dent right in the middle of it. He puts the chair on the ground, and kicks the dent back into position. He picks the chair back up, and continues smashing away at K-Dog.]
Jim Ross: Good God! It does not look good for K-Dog at this point. Bob Holly is looking to break every bone in his body.
Jerry Lawler: Look whos coming from the stage, though, JR! Its Kevin Nash!
[Nash charges into the ring, and knocks Bob holly down with a devastating clothesline. K-Dog and Nash stomp down on Bob Holly, while Mannkind stomps away at Triple X. Suddenly, K-Dog and Mantrose bump into each other, and start arguing. Soon, those words turn into fists, and Mannkind starts brawling with Wolfpac. Triple X and Bob Holly exit the ring, and devise a plan. Bob Holly captures the bell, and Triple X revives the referee. Bob Holly enters the ring, and cleans house by clocking Mantrose and K-Dog with the ring attendants bell. Kevin Nash and Alex Mann are too busy brawling with each other to realize whats going on, and Kevin Nash tosses Alex Mann over the top rope to the outside. While Nash steps over the ropes to go after Alex Mann, Triple X tosses the referee in the ring. Bob Holly covers both Mantrose and K-Dog, while the referee wearily counts. 1 2 3!]
Lilian Garcia: Youre winners, and still your Net World Order Tag Team Champions, The team of Bob Holly and Triple X!
Jerry Lawler: What a great match the entire way! Holly and Triple X truly are the most deserving tem in the Net World Order today!
Jim Ross: If it takes cheating to win, then they are the best tag team today. But I have a gut feeling that they will get what they have coming soon enough!
[As Holly and Triple X are still in the ring holding up the NWO tag team
titles, when from out of the fans come The Dudley Boyz! Buh Buh Ray and DeVon
Dudley slide into the ring and go after the new Champions. The Dudleyz hit
double powerbombs on both men, and then head to the outside, and get two
tables! The fans, who upon sighting The Dudleyz started a "table" chant, now
erupt in cheers as the two tables are set up in the ring. They have one
against the ring ropes, and the other in the middle of the ring. DeVon picks
up Holly, whips him into the ropes, lifts him high into the air, and Buh Buh
hits the 3D on Bob Holly through the table! As DeVon pushes the broken table,
and the broken Holly out of the ring, Buh Buh gets the other table, and puts it
in the middle of the ring. DeVon gets Triple X, whips him into the ropes,
lifts him high in the air, and Buh Buh hits the 3D through the table for a
second time! The fans are going nuts when The Dudley Boyz grab the tag titles,
climb the turnbuckle, and raise the belts high in the air. The cheering stops
when The Superstar and Triple H come running out from the back, both with steel
chairs. They slide into the ring and attack The Dudley Boyz. HHH nails Buh
Buh in the back and The Superstar does the same to DeVon. Triple H then tosses
the chair on the mat, picks up Buh Buh, and Pedigrees him onto the steel
chair! The Superstar lifts DeVon back up and hits The Falling Star[diamond
cutter]! This time, The Superstar and Triple H pick up the tag team titles,
raise them in the air, then toss them back down on Bob Holly and Triple X, who
are both outside of the ring. "Break Stuff" hits again as CEO Shawn Hall comes
out from the back to great Triple H and The Superstar in the entry way with a
big smile on his face. The fans begin throwing their drinks at the three
Corporation members, and they leave instead of getting soaked with soda and