Jerry "The King" Lawler: What I'm really looking forward to, JR, is Jack Jacobs and The Rock fighting in a match to see who is the better champion. No doubt about it, though, it has to be Jack Jacobs. This guy has been on a role, lately. From former allies to opponents he never could have dreamed to face, this guy's got what it takes to make it big in the NWO!
Jim Ross: Personally, I am eager to see the tag team match-up in tonight's main event. Gene Simmons and Bob Holly, who haven't been the best of friends recently, will duke it out alongside their respective partners, Triple X and Neil Stylez! Honestly, King, this will have to be a match to remember. No doubt about it!
Jerry "The King" Lawler: Yeah, it'll be the Ass-Kickers, Incorporated of old versus the new. And everybody knows the saying, 'out with the old, and in with the new. Nothing will be cloer to the truth tonight, JR!
[Suddenly, "Welcome Burden" by Disturbed blares throughout the arena. Out of the curtain comes Steve Corino, the self proclaimed King of Old School. He walks down to the ring, sopping wet, and gets into the ring.] [Suddenly, the glass shatters and Stone Cold Steve Austin comes out to thunderous ovations from the NWO crowd. He runs to the ring and starts brawling with Corino. Corino gets some punches of his own in, and starts to get the upper hand when the Extremists music plays, and the Extremist runs out and joins the fray. He joins Corino in executing a double-suplex on Austin. But, as Extremist walks to get Austin back to his feet, Corino clotheslines him to the mat.]
Jim Ross: Oh, a nice shot by Corino. Extremist is down! Jerry “The King” Lawler: Go Corino!! The King of Old School! He's a king! Like me!! [Extremist rolls out of the ring and now Austin and Corino are hammering each other. Austin hits a suplex, and then immediately gets Austin back to his feet. Corino attempts to whip Austin to the ropes, but Austin reverses and hits a Lou Thesz Press and starts punching away at Corino's head. While Austin is doing that, Extremist rolls back into the ring and kicks Austin off of Corino. Extremist then kicks Austin in the gut and nails a DDT. Extremist stands back up, but goes down as Corino lands a schoolboy roll-up on Extremist. Earl Hebner counts...1...2..Kick out!]
Jim Ross: Oh, my! We have a winner! NO, he kicked out! He kicked out!! Jerry “The King” Lawler: What! That Hebner is blind!! Corino had the match won!! [Extremist quickly gains the advantage again, and hits a powerslam. He proceeds to climb to the top-rope and prepares to fly off with a devastating maneuver. But then, Steve Austin flies in from nowhere and crotches Extremist on the top turnbuckle. As Austin prepares to do a move off the top, Corino comes in and clotheslines him out of the ring.. Corino proceeds to hook Extremist in a Superplex position, but hooks his leg and hits Extremist with a TOP ROPE FisherMans Buster. Corino goes for a pin, but Austin comes back and hits an elbow drop. Austin,throws Corino against the ropes and avoids a Corino clothesline. He then kicks him in the gut and hits the Stone Cold Stunner!!]
Jim Ross: Stunner!! Stunner!! That's it!! It's over. Austin for the cover! Jerry “The King” Lawler: No!! No!! Austin, don't go for the cover! No!! [Corino is down, Extremist is still down. Austin going for the pin, but...someone is coming through the crowd, it's Jack Victory. Victory runs to the ring, and is distracting Austin. Meanwhile, Extremist gets up and clothelines him out of the ring. Victory catches him, stands him up, and hits him with a pair of Brass Knuckles. Austin is out cold.]
Jim Ross: Good Gawd, King!! It's Jack Victory!! Corino's associate!! He's just hit Austin with Brass Knuckles!! Lights out for Austin. Goddamnit!! Damn, that Jack Victory! Jerry “The King” Lawler: Yeah! Jack Victory! Beat that redneck down!! [Corino, still down, is being picked up by the Extremist, as the Extremist rams Corino's head into the ringpost. Corino is bleeding now. Extremist runs into the ropes, only to be met by a chairshot from Jack Victory. Extremist stumbles, and walks into a FisherMan's Suplex by Corino! Earl Hebner counts...1...2...3!!]
Jim Ross: Chairshot by Victory! FisherMan's suplex by Corino!! 1...2...3! It's over! Corino wins!! Jerry “The King” Lawler: Yes!! Didn't I tell you JR? Didn't I tell you! The King of Old school reigns again!!
Jim Ross: Calm down, King! I'm getting word that Triple X is backstage for an interview of tonight's main event. Let's go to the back and see what he has to say!
match on NWO Monday Night Anarchy has just taken place. The scene cuts
the announce table with a late break through. The NWO has just received
a video tape sent in by Triple X, member of the new AKi who happens to
have a Tag-Match tonight with Gene Simmons against Bob Holly and Neil
[ ~ Triple X ~ ] - "The triumphant return of a hero? The resurrection
of a superior champion? Or the second coming of a glorious reign? Wrong,
all wrong. How about the return of a short-lived champion, only coming
back to face a greater task. Either way you want to put it, Neil
Stylez, your time is up, and now you will pay."
[ ~ Triple X ~ ] - "Threats? How ridiculous they may seem, but more
often now have they become a part of wrestling culture. Neil Stylez, it
seems that your beliefs on threats are similar to mine. In fact, it seems
that a lot of you has been similar to a lot of other people lately.
Could it be that your return was rather a flake, and the only way you
could convince others to let you back in was to compile a persona of all
the other NWO superstars? Neil Stylez you can deny it all you want, but
we know d*mn well that as much as you want to play the bad guy, you will
never be nothing more than the one time leader of the dysfunctional Net
World Order rejects. And that my friend, is reality."
[ ~ Triple X ~ ] - "Never had a problem with the old Neil Stylez. A man
of integrity, a man that knew his place in the NWO. But times change,
as do people. You my friend, have changed. For the better? You could
only be so lucky. For the worse? Who could have guessed? In an attempt to
once again climb the ladder of stardom, you have stepped on many toes.
That is respectable. After all, don’t we all want to make it to the top
[ ~ Triple X ~ ] - "But you made one mistake Neil Stylez, you stepped
on one toe, that really p*ssed one man off. That man is me. And now Neil
Stylez, for that solitary mistake, you will pay. A price far greater
than one can imagine, the price of life itself."
[ ~ Triple X ~ ] - "Monday Night we meet. An unforgiving tag-team
match. with Bob Holly by your side, and Gene Simmons by mine. After all,
what have you got to lose Neil Stylez? You have nothing. I have my title
as one half of the NWO Tag-Team Champions, and that is my life. My
entire career has been devoted to whatever strap of wrestling gold I can
get, and in a few hours or how ever long it may last, I will be the one
under pressure, under fire. Some might say that I am the underdog. I am
the one forced to deal with the stress, and you are the one riding your
triumphant return but Neil Stylez, what you don’t realize, is that the
very same desire that led me down the path, is still the path that I
follow today. I have not lost one bit of determination for this belt, and
now you dare challenge my hardcore skills. Neil Stylez, you are nothing
more than yet another epic roadblock, just another. And the time has
come, to break through, break through you Neil Stylez!"
[ ~ Triple X ~ ] - "After you finished with your petty name calling, I
was able to decipher those spoken words. You think you can survive
anything, you think that is what makes you invincible. Well I got news for
you Neil Stylez, I am the true survivor. I have been through h*ll and
back, and not once stumbled. I take any challenge head on, and have
never been pushed back. Neil Stylez, you may be a survivor, you may have
been through everything in the past and still stood on your feet, but
what you don’t realize, is that you have yet to encounter the focal point
of the AKi. Anything you have been through, could never account to what
you will go through when we meet. Many have spoken the words you have,
the proposition of being a survivor, but as you will, they have
[ ~ Triple X ~ ] - "So now that you have been awaken, and seen that
there is no escape, it comes to this. Monday Night Anarchy. When the
countdown comes to an end, the clock reads 00:00, your world will come to an
end. Everything you know, will shade black, as the flames engulf you. I
will not fall prisoner Neil Stylez. This reign means too much, as does
my career. If you haven't noticed I’ve amounted quite an impressive
streak of performances as of late. I will stop at nothing to continue that
streak. Whether it takes more than my determination itself, I will
defeat you. It is time that the two shadows of evil meet, for one
h*llacious confrontation. Neil Stylez, tonight, we will meet. Maybe for the last
time, maybe not. But either way, I will walk out the victor, and my
life in tact. You can run, but there is no hiding, when the evil sets
after you."
[ ~ Triple X ~ ] - "And now, Bob Holly. Bob, who the hell do you think
you are, do you seriously believe, deep in your soul that you can beat
me, I dont know who lied to you and told you you had a chance, probably
your little buddy over in the back, but thats not what really
matters... is it. It's not Triple H's time, it's not The Franchise's time, and
it sure as hell is not your Time, the time right about now is around
Seven O'clock Just a mere one hour before Anarchy begins, and only a
matter of time before you and Stylez face the dominance of the AKi."
[ ~ Triple X ~ ] - "Holly, you know you cant beat me, if you check deep
down inside your gut you know this is the last match you will have in
the best damn federation in this country, hell, even the world, and you
knowing this you come out here and run your mouth, well, this is just
going to get you a worse beating then I already plan on handing to you,
now your going to get a Patented and copyrighted Triple X Ass Whipping
handed to you, you see Bob, I am just flat out better then you."
[ ~ Triple X ~ ] - "Bob, you think your that damn good, no, your that
damn stupid to want to get into the ring against me, arguably the most
lethal wrestler in the history of Sports Entertainment, you have the
guts, or maybe you have the lack of brains to step into the ring with the
nightmare himself, well, I wish you the luck that Ive had so far in
this fed, I wish you all the luck that you can somehow conjure up, because
Bob, Neil, your going to need it. So it shall be written..."
[ ~ Triple X ~ ] - "So it shall be DONE."
(Triple X snarls as the scene fades to black.)
Lillian Garcia - This match is set for one fall. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 275 pounds, from Miami, Florida, The Rock!!!
[IF YA SMEEELL, WHAT THE ROCK, IS COOKIN'! The Rock's music plays as he walks down the isle and into the ring ]
Lillian Garcia - And his opponent, weighing in at 240 pounds, a member of D-X, Jack Jacobs!!!
[Run DMC's "The Kings" blast over the PA system as Jack Jacobs walks to the ring. The Rock walks around the ring while Jack Jacobs waits for him in the center of the ring.The Rock finally decides to start the match as he steps into the ring. Jack Jacobs drops The Rock with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. The bell sounds and the match has offically began. A low blow from The Rock sends Jack Jacobs to the mat. The Rock gets up to his feet as Jack Jacobs moves back to his feet and pokes The Rock in the eyes. ]
Jim Ross - Jack Jacobs showing his true colors with a eye poke on The Rock.
[The Rock gets tiger suplexed by Jack Jacobs. The Rock climbs back on his feet and is hit with a karate chop and then a jawbreaker by Jack Jacobs. Now The Rock and Jack Jacobs begin battling it our with some wild rights and lefts. The Rock gains the advantage then hits a huge fisherman suplex on Jack Jacobs. The Rock doesn't hold for the pin and Jacobs rools over to a corner. The Rock climbs back to his feet and tempts Jacobs to attack him.]
Jerry "The King" Lawler - Jack Jacobs looks to be in trouble now JR!
[The Rock turns his back after a few too many seconds of watcing Jack Jacobs lay lifelessly in the corner of the ring. Then suddonly out of know where!!! Jack Jacobs with an belly to back suplex on The Rock.]
Jim Ross - Not just yet King, belly to back suplex by Jack Jacobs!
[The Rock gets back to his feet and throws Jack Jacobs back into the corner and The Rock begins to boot choke him. The Rock lets go of the move and Jack Jacobs falls to the ground holding his neck. The Rock begins stomping on Jacobs. Jack Jacobs moves back to his feet and gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on The Rock. Jack Jacobs hits a kneeling headbutt to The Rock's groin. The Rock trys to climb to his feet, but is kicked in the face like a football. The Rock falls back onto the mat and begins to bleed from the mouth. Jack Jacobs mounts over The Rock and begins punching The Rock on the top of the head ten times. Jacobs gets up and stands over The Rock and gives him the D-X chop cross [suck it] sign.]
Jerry "The King" Lawler - Ha ha! Look at that Ross!
Jim Ross - That's just sick King! Jack Jacobs is just waisting time here, he needs to stay on the Rock if he wants to win!
[The Rock is up again, Jack Jacobs locks The Rock in an old school octopus hold. The referee is checking the situation. ... The Rock trys to escape. ... The Rock is fighting the hold. Jack Jacobs finally breaks the hold as The Rock falls to one knee. Jack Jacobs with an Dropkick to the back of the head. Jack Jacobs begins stomping on The Rock. The Rock connects with a low blow. Jack Jacobs goes down. The Rock puts Jack Jacobs in an arm grapevine submission. Jack Jacobs break out of it and moves back to his feet. The Rock with a Russian legsweep on Jack Jacobs, but Jacobs reverses it! The Rock and Jack Jacobs go to the floor as Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) The Rock goes off the side of the ring with a double axe handle smash on Jack Jacobs, but Jack Jacobs side steps the move and The Rock crashes into the rails that keep the fans back.]
Jim Ross - The Rock just hit hard aginst that railing! Jack Jacobs has a chair! He just pounded The Rock over the head with it!!!
[Jack Jacobs rools The Rock into the ring as the ref continues to count. (...6) Jack Jacobs clims into the ring where The Rock is some how climbing back to his feet. Jacobs runs over to The Rock and hits a fliping neck breaker that sends The Rock to the mat motionless.]
Jerry "The King" Lawler - What a move by Jack Jacobs! Triple H was right this kid has talent!
[ Jack Jacobs hits a big splash off the top rope onto The Rock. Jack Jacobs moves back to his feet and slingshot elbow drops The Rock. Jack Jacobs climbs back to the top rope and hits a frog splash on The Rock. Now Jack Jacobs walks around the ring taunting the fans because he knows he has this one won. Jack Jacobs goes for The Speed Limit on The Rock, but ends up on the receiving end of a low-blow by The Rock! The Rock grabs Jacobs, slamming him down with the Rock Bottom, followed by a cover for the 1...2....3!]
Lillan Garcia - And the winner of this match... The Rock!
Jim Ross: Hey, what happened to Jack Jacobs, there? I thought you referred to him as unbreakable?
Jerry "The King" Lawler: It was probably just a bad night, JR! Nothing big. Knowing Jacobs, he'll bounce right back!
Jim Ross: Wait, who's that coming from the stage area?
Jerry "The King" Lawler: JR! That's Billy Gunn! What the Hell is he doing out here?
[Billy Gunn begins running down to the ring, and dives in, grabbing The Rock's hardcore belt on his way in. The Rock turns around to see Gunn plaster him with his own belt. As "The Kings" by Run DMC plays in the background, Billy Gunn leaves the ring, raising the Hardcore Title high above his head.]
Jim Ross: He just stole the Hardcore Title from the Rock! What the hell?
Jerry "The King" Lawler: Well, Gunn did say he wanted that Hardcore title. I guess he's just making sure that the Rock got the message loud and clear!
Jim Ross: But did he have to steal the Hardcore Title from the Rock?
Jerry "The King" Lawler: There's been a lot of that going on lately, JR.
Jim Ross: : It’s time, now, for the main event! And King, I personally cannot wait for this one! I mean, Niel Stylez has been none too happy over his past loss against Triple X, and I think the rivalry between Bob Holly and Gene Simmons has been well documented already. Jerry “The King” Lawler: I can’t wait for this one, JR! Especially for Neil Stylez, because of who he brings along with him… Terri! Jim Ross: : King, you have to keep your mind on the match tonight! Jerry “The King” Lawler: That’s what you’re here for, JR. I’m just here to watch. Jim Ross: : Anyway, here is Lillian Garcia with the ring introductions. Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentlemen, the next match is scheduled for one fall, and is a tag team match. Coming in first, they represent the newly reformed Ass-Kickers, Incorporated, being followed to the ring by Paul Bearer and The Undertaker, they are Triple X and Gene Simmons! [The Washington DC crowd erupts into boos as the alliance of Triple X and Gene Simmons emerge from the back. All the while, Gene Simmons’ new music, “Long Hard Road Out of Hell” by Maralyn Manson is playing in the background. The flickering AKI symbol flashes on the NWO-tron, and only stops once Triple X and Gene Simmons enter the ring. Suddenly, Bob Holly’s music plays, and he appears on the stage.] Lillian Garcia: And their opponents…introducing first, he is the number one contender to the United States Title, and weighs in at allegedly well over 500 pounds, “Hardcore” Bob Holly! [Bob Holly walks down the ramp, holding Gene Simmons’ United States Title proudly over his shoulder. Gene Simmons sends Triple X after Holly, and a battle ensues on the outside between Impure Authority and Bob Holly. While Holly is getting bogged down by Impure Authority, “Let’s Get This Party Started” by KORN begins to play, and Neil Stylez runs down to the ring, fighting off both members of Impure Authority, as Bob Holly lays in a heap on the floor.] Jim Ross: : And finally, the bell has rung! What an exciting match this is going to be! [Gene Simmons climbs out of the ring, finding Bob Holly incapacitated momentarily. He picks Hardcore Holly up, and sets him upright onto his feet. Gene leans back, and seems to be ready to deliver the fire breath. In Holly’s good fortune, Gene stops himself, grabs his head, letting out a yell. Seemingly, he’s trying to decide whether he should blow fire into Bob Holly’s face or not.]] Jerry “The King” Lawler: What the Hell is going on with Graves there, JR? He’d better start paying attention, because Bob Holly is starting to come to! [Just as Lawler says this, Bob Holly lays a punch straight to the face of Gene Simmons. Gene staggers back, falling into the side of the ring. Bob Holly continues his offense, throwing Simmons into the ring. Bob Holly dives into the ring, and immediately starts dropping elbows along Gene Simmons’ chest.] Jim Ross: : Oh, this is what Bob has been waiting for all week, King! He’s certainly taking his time to take Simmons apart, because he may not get this chance for a long time if Simmons has any say on the matter. Jerry “The King” Lawler: The last thing we need is Blob Holly representing the United States. Gene Simmons is doing us all a favor by keeping that thief away from the belt! [Triple X sees Gene Simmons in trouble in the ring, and escapes from his brawl with Neil Stylez. He dives into the ring, and turns Bob Holly around. He kicks Holly in the gut, and hooks Holly’s arms, delivering the Final Act! Just after finishing the maneuver, Neil Stylez gets in the ring, and restarts his brawl with Triple X. Neil leads Triple X to the corner, as Gene Simmons begins going to work on Bob Holly. Neil kicks Triple X down in the corner, and lifts him to the top turnbuckle. Climbs up with him, scooping him into a tombstone position on the turnbuckle. Just before Neil Stylez is about to hit Hellz Fury on Triple X, Gene Simmons runs backwards into the corner, causing Neil to fall backwards, while Triple X is still in his grasp. The two fall to the outside, and are knocked out from the blow.] Jerry “The King” Lawler: JR, this is getting ugly! I don’t think neither Stylez nor Triple X landed right on that one. Jim Ross: : Yeah, it looks like this may be serious, King. The referee is checking out the two men, on the outside. And… what the Hell is Gene Simmons doing? He’s got a steel chair and… oh no! Good Gawd, no! [Gene Simmons begins pounding away at Bob Holly’s fallen body, but the referee is too involved on checking with Stylez and the X-Man to notice. Gene Simmons seems to be getting a rage in him, and lifts Holly up to his feet. Gene Simmons leans back, and pits a fireball in Holly’s direction. Just in the nick of time, Holly ducks, and weaves to the side. He turns Simmons around after he is done blowing the fire. He sets Simmons up, and knocks him down with the Holly-caust. Holly gets Simmons into a pinning position, and the referee comes in from the outside, and counts 1…2…NO!] Jim Ross: : Oh, so close! Holly is really putting all of his effort into this match here, tonight, because Gene Simmons is still staying down from the Holly-caust! Jerry “The King” Lawler: But now Holly is going to his corner, and has realized that Neil is knocked out! Holly doesn’t look too happy, right now! [Holly goes to the outside, and shoves away the EMTs. He grabs Neil Stylez, and pulls him up to the apron, though his lights are still out. Holly climbs back in the ring, holding Neil Stylez up on the apron. Holly then tags Neil Stylez in, and pulls him in through the ropes. Holly pulls him over Gene Simmons. The referee counts again, 1…2…NO!!] Jim Ross: : Another close call! But Gene Simmons is up, now, and Neil Stylez is helpless. He shouldn’t even be in this match after that fall he took with Triple X! Jerry “The King” Lawler: But Holly doesn’t look too happy that he didn’t get the pin. That’s the problem with Holly… he’s too greedy! [Gene Simmons picks Neil Stylez up, and send him to the ropes with an Irish whip. Neil Stylez doesn’t make it to the ropes, though, collapsing on the way, with his neck hanging over the bottom rope. Gene Simmons runs towards Neil, and dives down on his head, pressing it straight into the rope. This sudden shock jolts Neil Stylez enough to bring him to consciousness, as he slowly gets up to his feet. He’s still clearly very woozy, and can’t seem to walk straight towards Gene Simmons, who knocks him back down to the mat with a running clothesline.] Jerry “The King” Lawler: This match is as good as over! Neil Stylez can barely stand on his own! Jim Ross: : I’ll have to agree with you there, King. Neil is having too many problems after that Hellz Fury attempt. [Gene Simmons cockily covers Neil Stylez, using his pinky finger only. The referee counts 1…2…NO! Holly comes in and breaks the count! Gene Simmons gets up, and Holly and him begin brawling back and forth. Neil Stylez gets up to his feet, and joins in on the fight. He grabs Gene Simmons, and backbody drops him to the mat. Gene Simmons is quick to get up, only to find himself kicked in the gut, and brought to the corner for another attempt at Hellz Fury. Neil Stylez stands on the top turnbuckle with Gene in his arms, and dives off, crashing down with a Hellz Fury to Gene Simmons.] Jerry “The King” Lawler: Aah! How did Neil Stylez recover so quickly? Jim Ross: : Who knows? But this match is as good as over! And here’s the count, 1…2…3 NO!! Good Gawd! Triple X just stopped the count just in time! [Triple X and Bob Holly begin to go at it to the outside of the ring, as Gene Simmons takes Neil Stylez down off of his feet. Gene mounts Neil Stylez, and starts punching away at him. Neil Stylez begins to fight back, though, and the two men begin to go back and forth in their fight. Triple X suddenly gets on the apron, after having low-blowed Bob Holly on the outside. Gene Simmons gets up, tags him in, and exits the ring with an elbowdrop onto Bob Holly.] Jim Ross: : Good Gawd, King! What a match this has been thus far! Jerry “The King” Lawler: But Triple X is the one who beat Neil Stylez last time. I’m sure he can pull it off again! [Triple X approaches Neil Stylez, and blocks a punch right off the bat. Triple X wrenches Stylez’ arm, but finds Neil trying to flip his way out of it. Before Neil Stylez can finish, Triple X sweeps him down to the ground. Triple X flips Neil over, and applies a Camel Clutch.] Jim Ross: : Triple X has complete control, now! But Neil is trying as hard as he can to grab the ropes. Jerry “The King” Lawler: But look at Gene Simmons and Bob Holly on the outside, JR! Holly has Simmons up for a piledriver, and drives him down to the hard floor out there! Jim Ross: : And it looks like Bob Holly is going to help out his old AKI teammate, now! [Bob Holly grabs Neil’s arm, and slides him over to the rope. Neil Stylez grabs it, and the referee forces Triple X to release the hold. Triple X refuses at first, but releases it once he is threatened of disqualification.] Jerry “The King” Lawler: I think Triple X has had enough of this, and Bob Holly has his hands full with Gene Simmons! This match may be over soon enough! Look, JR! Triple X is going for the Final Act again! Jim Ross: : Triple X has it locked in… but he can’t quite get Neil off his feet! Neil Stylez just lifted Triple X up, and has placed him on the top turnbuckle! [Neil grabs Triple X, and turns him around so that his back is facing the ring. Neil then grabs Triple X’s arms, and sends him crashing down with a super powerbomb. Neil Stylez covers, and the referee counts 1…2…3!] Lillian Garcia: Ladies and gentlemen, the winners of this match… Neil Stylez and Bob Holly! Jim Ross: : Neil Stylez finally got his revenge on Triple X! What a match! Jerry “The King” Lawler: Maybe, but something tells me that this is just the beginning, JR! Jim Ross: : Either way, we are out of time tonight! Be sure to tune into Friday Night Overdrive as the NWO hits the air! Good night, everybody!